Announcements from the Bishop February 14th 2020

Announcements from the Bishop

We wish every blessing on these appointments of new ministry:

Rev. Dr. Karen Egan as Incumbent of St. George's Anglican Church Place du Canada as of February 16th.
The Rev. Brian Perron will be inducted to Anglican Church of Saint-Barnabas, Saint-Lambert on Friday March 6th
at 7pm.
The Rev. Steven Maki has arrived and moved into the rectory of Eglise St George's Church, Ste-Anne de-Bellevue as of Sunday, February 16th
The Rev. Dorothy Samuel has finished as Incumbent at St Lawrence, Lasalle and begun
at St. Barnabas Anglican Church, Pierrefonds as of Saturday February 8th

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Clergy Annual Silent Lenten Retreat March 22-24 2020

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Dear Clergy,

 Once again it is time for our Annual Silent Lenten Retreat. I sincerely hope that you will all be able to attend and take advantage of this opportunity for rest and the spiritual exercises of silence and reflection. Because of the importance of this time of spiritual nourishment, the Diocese will cover the cost for basic room and board. I am very pleased that Archbishop Linda Nicholls, Primate has agreed to join us and lead our retreat.

 This year, at the closing Eucharist, in addition to renewing our ordination vows, we will bless the oils we use for anointing. Please plan to bring your own oil stocks, clean and ready to be refilled. As always, the Cathedral keeps a supply on hand throughout the year.

 I understand that some of you find silent retreats very difficult and, while I think that this is a discipline worth struggling with, I will accept your regrets so that others can fully enter into the exercise of mindfulness and prayer.

 If you cannot take part in the retreat, you are invited to join us for the Eucharist and Renewal of Vows on Tuesday at 10:30am and to stay for lunch where silence is no longer required.

 Every blessing,




47th Annual Clergy Lenten Retreat



March 22-24, 2020


Manoir d’Youville

498 boul. d’Youville

Chateauguay, QC. J6J 5T9



The Most Reverend Linda Nicholls

(Note brochure above)


ALL information regarding registration is found in the Registration form linked HERE

Registration deadline: March 5th ( We cannot guarantee room availability for any registration received past this date.)


For any and all questions please email

or call at 514-843-6577 xt 235


New Revive Program for Lay Leaders. We want to invest in YOU!

New Revive Program fro Lay Leaders. We want to invest in YOU!

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Contact Neil

What is Revive??

Revive is a discipleship program to help active lay leaders—wardens, property and finance officers, committee chairs, vestry members, church school teachers, youth ministers, pastoral visitors, and liturgical ministers—grow in confidence as spiritual leaders.

The Rev. Dr. Neil Mancor is offering the following Revive programs in our Diocese….

Lent 2020 Module 1: Communicating with God

  • West Island Group – Thursdays 7-9pm. Begins March 5 2020

  • Downtown Group – Tuesdays 7-9pm. Begins March 3 2020

Learn more about Revive

Diocesan Lay Readers learn and pray about Digital Ministry!


On Saturday, January 25th Diocesan Web and Social Media Coordinator, Lee-Ann Matthews was invited to host a workshop on digital communications to our Lay Readers.

It was an encouraging day where participants demonstrated their growth in learning by rating their digital literacy levels prior to and following the workshop. Many described having a change of heart about social media and a stronger desire to use it a s a tool to connect with, serve and reach more people in more creative ways.

Congratulations to all on a willingness to learn about new ways of evangelizing in the digital era!

Announcing the New Supper Club Lenten 24-7 Prayer Course!

Join us for a new 5 consecutive week Supper Club experiment.

We are partnering with the 24-7 Prayer Course during Lent to teach, share and pray together from March 2nd- March 30th 2020

Contact Jenna or Lee-Ann to learn more

Learn more about the 24-7 Prayer course

supper club is back, and we hope you will be a part of it! copy 2.jpg
  • Monday March 2nd week 1

Our father in heaven, hallowed be thy name

Type of prayer: Adoration and presence of God

  • Monday March 9th week 2

Thy kingdom come (Give us this day our daily bread)

Type of prayer: Petition and intercession

  • Monday March 16th week 3

Your will be done

Type of prayer: Unanswered prayers Prayers of lament

  • Monday March 23rd week 4

Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.

Type of prayer: Confession, forgiveness and mercy

  • Monday March 30th week 5

For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory is yours.

Type of prayer: Contemplation

  • Monday April 6th week 6

Holy Supper Club - re creation of the last supper at Christ Church Cathedral hosted by Neil Mancor. Meet at 1444 Union 2nd floor as usual

Note: Weekly Attendance is not required. You may attend and participate in as many or as few modules as you like.