Mission Standing Committee Shifts its focus to homelessness

A Report from the Standing Committee on Mission
The impact of COVID-19 on services to our local homeless population.


In the Greater Montreal area, there are many missions and outreach organizations either directly related to the Diocese or supported by various parishes. The Mission Standing Committee conducted an informal survey of some of those centres. We are committed to being a resource to you for information on how the church and church members can support these and other outreach organizations.

For the most part we have concentrated on “day centres” recognizing as we do, the vital role and services they provide to this vulnerable population. Our conversations focused on the impact the pandemic is having on their clients and the ability of the centres to meet those needs. You can find the report here.

To find out more about homelessness click here.

Learn more about the Mission Committee...

Announcing Domenic Ruso as Synod Speaker 2020

Our Synod speaker is Domenic Ruso, PhD the founding pastor of 180 Church in Laval. Born and raised in Montreal, Dom's early faith experiences came from going to a Roman Catholic Church and later experiencing an added understanding of his faith within a Protestant context. Having ministered in other provinces and returned to found a Church, Domenic has a thorough understanding of the challenges of faith community in the Quebec context.

Domenic completed an M.A. in Early Church Studies at Concordia University and most recently finished his PhD in Historical Theology under the supervision of Dr. David Neelands, Trinity College, University of Toronto, with a focus on Hermeneutical themes and the writings of Richard Hooker. He thus has a deep grasp of Anglicanism and is ideally positioned to help us navigate our way through the challenging missional context in which we find ourselves. Dom regularly partners with different churches who have a deep love for the province of Quebec and a desire to reach people for Christ.

Learn more about Synod 2020

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Photos from Recent Ordination to the Diaconate

Congratulations to Debrah Mae Galt, B.Th.and Susan Mona-Marie Searle B.A., M.A., Dip.Min. on their recent ordination to the Diaconate

Introducing the environmental film "The Seed"

"The Seed" is six-and-a-half-minute film that takes us on an allegorical journey through a fallen world. This simple yet authentic parable reflects the serious reality of the climate crisis and environmental degradation without succumbing to futility or despair.

Watch it here: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=343250426769513

For theological questions and further resources https://www.montreal.anglican.ca/latest-news/2020/9/23/a-new-resource-for-the-season-of-creation

An Opportunity for Leaders of Children, Youth & Family Ministry

An Opportunity for Leaders of Children, Youth & Family Ministry

Calling all children, youth and family ministry peeps! You are invited to be a part of a conversation with the Animator for Youth Ministries at The Anglican Church of Canada.
Ask questions, share ideas and listen to other leaders as we navigate the uncharted territory of ministry during a pandemic.
To register, click "going" on the FB event or email lmatthews@montreal.anglican.ca

Monday, October 26th 2020 7pm EST What to expect?

  • A spirit of encouragement and hope but honest and real

  • Ideas to implement and adapt to your unique context

  • Inspiration for your ministry to keep you motivated

  • Peer support from other practitioners who are navigating the same challenges

Register HERE

A Celebration of Ministry: Ordination to the Diaconate Debrah Mae Galt, B.Th.

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A Celebration of Ministry: Ordination to the Diaconate Debrah Mae Galt, B.Th.

God willing, Friday, October 2nd, celebrating the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, at 7pm at the St. Barnabas Church, Pierrefonds, QC, Bishop Mary Irwin Gibson intends to ordain Debrah Mae Galt, B.Th., to the vocational diaconate. As restrictions during this pandemic limit the number of people present for in-person worship, you are invited to join us on line on our Diocesan YouTube channel to celebrate this ordination.  

Congratulations Bishop Mary Irwin-Gibson on Five Years as the Bishop of Montreal

Join us in congratulating Bishop Mary on 5 years as the Anglican Bishop of Montreal!

Bishop Mary Irwin-Gibson, had been dean and rector of St. George’s Cathedral in Kingston since 2009 but is a committed, bilingual Montrealer with family connections and 28 years' service in the diocese.

Bishop Irwin-Gibson, who moved to the Montreal area as a young girl and grew up in the area, was ordained as a deacon and priest in 1981 and 1982. She served for three years as an assistant curate in the Parish of Vaudreuil, then for seven years as rector of the Parish of Dunham-Frelighsburg in Quebec until 1991.

She spent 18 years as rector of Holy Trinity Church in Ste-Agathe-des-Monts, in the Laurentians, earning an MBA in French along the way from the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM). In 2009, she became the rector at St. George’s Cathedral.

When nominations were open for the next Anglican bishop of Montreal, “I felt the Holy Spirit asking me to let my name stand,” she told Matt Gardner of the Anglican Church of Canada news service.

“I was willing to go if I was elected and willing to stay (in Kingston) if I wasn’t elected, because something I’ve learned from the military (in Kingston) about deployment is that when the boss calls you to go, you go, and if the boss says stay, you stay. And the Holy Spirit’s the boss.” The bishop’s husband, Mark Gibson, has a diverse business and consulting career, particularly in renewable energy and technical sales. He was executive officer of the Diocese of Montreal for about 10 months in 2006. They have two adult daughters.




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Diocesan Ordination Announcement

A Celebration of Ministry Ordination to the Diaconate Susan Mona-Marie Searle B.A., M.A., Dip.Min.

God willing, Tuesday, September 29th, celebrating the Feast of St. Michael and All Angels, at 7pm at the Church of St. John the Evangelist, Montreal, QC, Bishop Mary Irwin Gibson intends to ordain Susan Mona-Marie Searle, B.A., M.A., Dip. Min, to the diaconate. As restrictions during this pandemic limit the number of people present for in-person worship, you are invited to join us on line on our Diocesan YouTube channel to celebrate this ordination.