New Blog: The Branches are You!


The Branches are You!

by: Rev. Dr. Neil Mancor

With the changing of the weather the work of taking care of our gardens begins. I’m not much of a gardener, but I do try to keep everything in order. It is fun to watch familiar shrubs, plants and trees begin to surge with life again after the long winter rest. Of course there is always some pruning to do to keep everything from overgrowing.

Jesus talks about that in his familiar words “I am the vine and my Father is the gardener”. And again “ I am the vine you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit.” Sometimes we can read that more as a rebuke or even a threat. We might look at ourselves and judge that we don’t see much fruit. But Jesus never tells us to produce fruit. He tells us that, connected to him, we will bear much fruit. It will just happen and it’s not really our responsibility. It’s the life of Jesus in us that produces the fruit. Our job is to remain rooted, grounded, connected to Jesus and allow Him to work in us and through us.

Remain in me. That is why we are encouraging everyone to join together in 10 days of prayer for the renewal of the Diocese between Ascension Day and Pentecost. We are doing this in conjunction with the Thy Kingdom Come prayer initiative that started in the Church of England but now is observed all over the world. Our particular focus will be on praying for renewal of our Diocese, because after all we have been through, it is good to draw near to God for vision, guidance and inspiration. It is good to pray together as a people because that is how Christ imparts his life in us and through us. And it is good to pray because it reminds that, in the end, it’s not our responsibility to bear fruit. It is Jesus who bears fruit in us. Our job is to remain and be faithful.

Because the branches are you. You are the hope of God’s world. You are the instrument through which God will work. You are the branches that connected to Christ will bear fruit that will last. So let’s join together in prayer for 10 days from Ascension to Pentecost. And let’s see what our God will do.

Check out Thy Kingdom Come (Montreal)

An Invitation to Pray / Let’s Rise to the Challenge and Pray A New Blog by Neil Mancor

10 Days of Prayer For the Renewal of the Diocese

An Invitation to Pray / Let’s Rise to the Challenge and Pray


A New Blog by Neil Mancor (April 26, 2021)

It has become something of a tradition in the Anglican Communion to commit the days between Ascension Day and Pentecost to prayer. This initiative, begun by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York has now spread around the world. This year, we thought it would be a good time to commit these days to praying for the renewal of our Diocese.

I don’t need to tell you that the past year has been challenging for us all. Many of us were already concerned about the future of our communities of faith before COVID-19 struck us. In so many ways, life will never be quite the same again. We know that the Church will not be able to go back to the way it was. But what of the future?

What will we do now?

We will pray. Because we serve an awesome God who continues to have plans and purposes for the healing of our world. Because Jesus Christ is alive and reigns in Heaven and the Holy Spirit has been given. Because we believe that God isn’t finished with us and has more work for us to do.

But to grasp that, we do need to press into our God in prayer. And there is no better place to go, than to our God in prayer. Of course we can, each one of us, pray at any time. God is always there waiting for us. But these times we find ourselves in call us together as the People of God to come before our God and seek direction, inspiration and above all: renewal.

What a word that is: renewal. Spiritual renewal? Financial? In ministry? Do we want our Churches to revive and fill with people again? I think true revival means grasping not the past but the moment of God’s grace. It calls us into the now of God’s blessing. To pray for renewal is not to re-inflate the Church. It is to place ourselves before the Throne of God’s grace, and all God to be God over us. Because it is God who called the Church into being. And if is God who sustains the Church. It is God who will renew the Church and guide us into a new chapter of our lives. As the Psalmist says in Psalm 85: Will You not Yourself revive us again, that Your people may rejoice in You?

Let that be our earnest desire and for a time draw near and seek our God. So join us for ten days of prayer for the renewal of our diocese. Let us see what our God will do.


Learn more

An Important Message from the SEC for Earth Day...

(Photo by James Wheeler on Unsplash)

(Photo by James Wheeler on Unsplash)

An Important Message from the SEC for Earth Day...

“Today is Earth Day! Let us celebrate this day by scanning the horizons and preparing ourselves for action!

What next step will you soon be able to take to electrify anything that currently operates on fossil fuels (heating or transport), that is made with fossil fuels (most plastics) or that is not easily recycled? (Think of this as an individual and as a congregation).

The Stewardship of the Environment Committee of the Diocese of Montréal is working closely with researchers and the Green Churches Network ( to provide practical guidance for congregations and members on deep retrofits that will make church buildings both carbon neutral and financially sustainable.

This Earth Day, please contact us at to find out how we can help you continue to improve your carbon footprint and save money."

The Diocese of Montreal Encourages You to Pray with us for 10 Days!

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Thy Kingdom Come / 10 Days of Prayer for the Renewal of the Diocese

People around the world are rising to the challenge of praying every day for 10 days between Ascension and Pentecost, May 13-22. 2021. Let’s join them, with a particular focus on our life and ministry as the Diocese of Montreal.

Learn about Thy Kingdom Come International

COVID-19 has been a stress-test for faith communities the world over. We know that we will never be able to go back to the way things were. We also know that we serve an awesome God whose plans and purposes continue to unfold in God’s world. This is a time for us to root ourselves in the power of God’s grace and cry out for life as we face the future.

Praying every day for 10 days is as easy as 1 -2 -3…

1. Download the TKC Prayer Journal (version française) Find some time every day to read, journal and reflect individually

2. Check-out the Diocesan Prayer Calendar with prayer themes and live links (as of May 13)

3. Join us on Zoom to pray, meditate and share your thoughts and reflections (daily at 7pm EST) unless otherwise indicated)

A Webinar for Parish Communicators

Calling All Parish Communicators!

In these times of rapid change, the ways we communicate continues to evolve quickly.  Let's get together to discuss some strategies for online communications.

 You are invited to a Parish Communications Webinar on May 6th at 10am where we will share some communications tips, answer some of your questions and offer our ongoing support and encouragement.

 The webinar should last 1 or 2 hours depending on the length of the question and answer session.

 Please RSVP if you plan to come. The zoom link will only be provided to those who attend. We hope you will join us!

 Nicki & Lee-Ann

Montreal Diocesan Theological College cordially invites you to  ONLINE CONVOCATION

Montreal Diocesan Theological College

cordially invites you to 


Monday, May 3, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. (EDT)

 The programme will include:

 Presentation of the graduating class

Master of Divinity, Diploma in Ministry and Certificate in Theology

 Giving of prizes for outstanding achievement

 Awarding of Honorary Doctorate in Divinity to


Ms. Elizabeth May, O.C., MP

Member of Parliament for Saanich – Gulf Islands, 

Parliamentary Leader, Green Party of Canada,

and member of the Diocese of British Columbia


Ms. May will give the Convocation address.


The ceremony will be held on the Zoom platform. All are warmly invited to invite but please register in advance at:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.