Notice of Intention | Avis d'intention

photo credit: Janet Best

Notice of Intention | Avis d'intention

Under the terms of Canon 18, please give notice in your churches this Sunday, that, God willing, on Wednesday September 8th , The Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, at 7pm at Christ Church Cathedral, I intend to ordain The Rev. Susan Mona-Marie Searle, B.A., M.A., Dip.Min. to the presbyterate and Fresia Saborio, M.P.H., M.Div., and Benjamin Stuchbery, B.A., S..T.M., Dip.Min. to the Diaconate (transitional).

Download the full Notice in English and French HERE

If you wish to attend, pre-registration is required. Please register via the Cathedral website:

An Introduction video to the Anti-Racism Task Force with information about upcoming Workshop

A new video introducing some of the members of the Anti-Racism task force of the Diocese of Montreal

Learn more about their upcoming Anti-Racism Workshop with Dr. Myrna Lashley HERE

Keep track of events, resources and social links HERE


The Anti-Racism Task Force is pleased to put on this Workshop for Clergy and Lay Leaders of the Diocese of Montreal.

Anti-Racism Workshop.jpg

Please save the date [Friday, October 1 (3 hours in the evening) and Saturday, October 2 (6 hours during the day)] 

Confronting the Past, Looking to the Future: The church’s role in creating systemic racism and what can be done about it

 Overview of systemic issues faced by those living below the line 

 This interactive, experiential workshop will provide participants with a foundational understanding of the influence of religious interpretations and practices on concepts of race, culture, class, ethnicity, immigration, sexual orientation and gender in the assessment and interventional decisions relative to place and space when interacting with populations representing these categories. From a systemic models perspective, participants will explore the role and influence of the “Church” on cultural and social issues and its intersections with other human identifiers, such as poverty, housing, genders, abilities, and their many intersections. The consciousness of ethnic identity will also be explored as well as the influence of church doctrines on social, governmental and non-governmental systems. The workshop will challenge Western - European ethnocentrism and question movements which suggest that "God is a white supremacist". The effects of this suggestion not only on an individual’s self-perception, but on the perceptions and interactions of others relative to such individuals, will also be explored. 

 This workshop will be led by Dr. Myrna Lashley

Children's Ministry Matters

For information about Children’s Ministry Matters email

For information about Children’s Ministry Matters email

Children's Ministry Matters...

We know how challenging it has been to deliver children's ministry during the pandemic. We continue to pray, plan and try to predict what things will look like post pandemic.

  • What have you been doing?

  • What are you planning to do?

  • Do you have questions about restrictions, guidelines and what is permitted.

If you would like some help navigating the nuances of children's ministry in your unique context in the Diocese of Montreal, you may contact Executive Archdeacon Robert Camara

Find Covid updates on our website

or from The Quebec Government

More Choral Updates from Executive Archdeacon Robert Camara

Effective immediately, congregational singing may resume under the following conditions:

  • Individuals from different households must be seated at least two metres apart;

  • Individuals in the congregation must wear masks while singing.

View the full letter in English and French HERE

View all Covid-19 updates HERE