Season of Creation: An Invitation to get Involved
/The Season of Creation is designed to help worshipers connect with their creator and take seriously their role as stewards of creation. Starting with the Patriarch of Constantinople in 1989 and encouraged by the World Council of Churches soon after, it was officially adopted by the Anglican Church of Canada in 2019.
E-News August 23rd 2022
/Download all the Latest News from the Diocese of Montreal HERE
EFM (Education for Ministry) Register for Fall session now
/EFM graduates at Convocation Spring 2022 (photo credit Janet Best)
Read MoreEvent Based Ministry: A Workshop for Leaders
/Deadline to Register is Friday September 9th 5pm EST
Pride Service at Christ Church Cathedral
/You are invited to participate in the Pride Service at Christ Church Cathedral (635 Ste Catherine O)
What to Expect? music, prayer, Scripture, and poetry to celebrate God's love for the LGBTQIA+ community.
From the Choeur Gai de Montréal's performance on the steps before the service to the ice cream sandwiches on the forecourt afterwards, there will be opportunities to come together and rejoice in the people God has made us to be.
All are welcome. This service is a celebration of inclusion––whether you are a member of the LGBTQIA+ community or an ally and whether you are a Christian or not, all are welcome to join.
If you can't make it in-person, the service will also be live streamed at
Join the Facebook event HERE / Contact Alex to learn more
Joignez-vous à nous pour un temps de musique, de prière, d'écriture et de poésie pour célébrer l'amour de Dieu pour la communauté LGBTQIA+.
De la performance du Choeur Gai de Montréal sur nos marches avant le service jusqu'aux sandwiches à la crème glacée sur le parvis après le service, nous aurons l'occasion d'être ensemble et de nous réjouir des personnes que Dieu a fait de nous.
Toutes les personnes sont les bienvenues. Ce service est une célébration de l'inclusion - que vous soyez un membre de la communauté LGBTQIA+ ou un allié et que vous soyez chrétien ou non, vous êtes le bienvenu.
Si vous ne pouvez pas venir en personne, le service sera également diffusé en direct sur
L’évenement Facebook
E-News July 12, 2022
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