A Message from Bishop Mary regarding Supporting Bill S-210 and Protect Children Online

On behalf of the Diocesan Council, I have signed the open letter supporting Bill S-210 which will come before the House of Commons. I am attaching the letter sent to me by mover Penny Rankin, a member of Diocesan Council, and VP of the National Council of Women in Canada. Please consider whether you and your parish can add your support by signing the Open Letter to the government of Canada.

Many thanks, Merci beaucoup,


Sign here

Chers amis, 

Au nom du Conseil diocésain, j'ai signé la lettre ouverte soutenant le projet de loi S-210 qui sera présentée à la Chambre des communes. Je joins la lettre qui m'a été envoyée par l'auteure de la proposition, Penny Rankin, membre du Conseil diocésain et vice-présidente du Conseil national des femmes du Canada. Veuillez réfléchir à la possibilité, pour vous et votre paroisse, d'apporter votre soutien en signant la lettre ouverte au gouvernement du Canada.

Many thanks, Merci beaucoup,


Signez ici

Black Heritage Celebration 2024 / Célébration du patrimoine noir

Black Heritage Celebration 2024: An Invitation from The Diocese of Montreal

photo by Janet Best

Join Facebook Event HERE

We will open at 10:00 with a lecture by Frantz Voltaire on the contribution of black people to the construction of Quebec society. M. Voltaire, who holds the Ordre de Montréal, founded the Centre international de documentation et d'information haïtienne, caribéenne et afro-canadienne and co-founded the Montréal Human Rights Film Festival.  

We will also be honoring a member of the community who has contributed to education over the past fifty years. The cultural portion of the event will be led by musical artists.

Finally, the Eucharistic celebration, beginning at 11:15, will be presided over by bishop Ogé Beauvoir and Reverend Dr. Deborah Meister, the preacher. Everything will take place on February 10, 2024 in person at Christ Church Cathedral

The Rev. Dr. Deborah Meister
Associate Priest
Christ Church Cathedral, Montreal

Supper Club Winter Prayer Walk 2024

Get Outside and Pray!

Yes it’s Winter and it’s cold but don’t let this stop you! In fact, walking and praying can actually help to improve mood and well being. Plus there’s a delisious plant based meal to look forward to! Say yes!

Monday, January 28th from 5:30-7 pm meetup at St. Philips Church 7505 Sherbrooke W.

This Prayer Walk is open to all levels of walkers, ages and abilities

RSVP with Lee-Ann by Friday, January 26th to confirm your presence.

Note that our Supper Club winter walk is kindly being hosted by St Philips Anglican Church 7505 Sherbrooke W. close to Montreal West Train Station and Gare Montreal Ouest. Street parking available.

What to Expect? A brisk winter walk (event is rain / snow or shine so dress accordingly) guided and silent prayer, yummy vegan, gluten free dinner, group conversation and the good company of a healthy, inclusive community of seekers.

Multicultural Awareness and Anti-bias Training 2024 / formation en ligne sur la sensibilisation multiculturelle et la lutte contre les préjugés

The Anti-Racism Task Force of the Diocese of Montreal announce the Launch of an online Multicultural Awareness and Anti-bias Training

Registration details here

The Synod of the Diocese of Montreal voted unanimously that all clergy licensed in the Diocese, including all postulants for ordination, Synod Office staff, Diocesan Council members, Lay Readers, Church Staff, and Wardens participate in a program of multicultural awareness and anti-bias training, to be offered on a cyclical basis. 

Each session will consist of ten (10) hours of online training, offered over four days. Please sign up for a session ONLY if you are currently able to participate in all four days of the course. Please note that each session will be facilitated in English and in French.

Here is the schedule for 2024

Winter Training:

Saturday, February 24, 10:00-12:30

Sunday, February 25, 2:30-5:00

Saturday, March 9, 10:00-12:30

Sunday, March 10, 2:30-5:00


 Fall Training 2024: 

Saturday, November 9, 10:00-12:30

Sunday, November 10, 2:30-5:00

Saturday, November 16, 10:00-12:30

Sunday, November 17, 2:30-5:00

Registration is mandatory and must be completed by February 16th for the upcoming Winter session and November 1st for the Fall session

Click here to enroll. As the dates of your session approach, participants will receive a manual with login details.


Le Groupe de travail antiraciste du diocèse de Montréal annonce le lancement d'une formation en ligne sur la sensibilisation multiculturelle et la lutte contre les préjugés.

Détails de l'inscription ici

Le Synode du diocèse de Montréal a voté à l'unanimité que tous les membres du clergé autorisés à exercer dans le diocèse, y compris tous les postulants à l'ordination, le personnel du Bureau du Synode, les membres du Conseil diocésain, les lecteurs laïcs, le personnel de l'église et les marguilliers participent à un programme de sensibilisation multiculturelle et de formation contre les préjugés, qui sera offert sur une base cyclique.

Chaque session comprendra dix (10) heures de formation en ligne, réparties sur quatre jours. Veuillez vous inscrire à une session UNIQUEMENT si vous êtes actuellement en mesure de participer aux quatre jours du cours. Veuillez noter que chaque session sera animée en anglais et en français.

Voici le programme pour 2024

Formation d'hiver :

Samedi 24 février, 10h00-12h30

Dimanche 25 février, 14h30-17h00

Samedi 9 mars, 10h00-12h30

Dimanche 10 mars, 14h30-17h00


Formation d'automne 2024 :

Samedi 9 novembre, 10h00-12h30

Dimanche 10 novembre, 14h30-17h00

Samedi 16 novembre, 10h00-12h30

Dimanche 17 novembre, 14h30-17h00

L'inscription est obligatoire et doit être effectuée avant le 16 février pour la session d'hiver et le 1er novembre pour la session d'automne.

Cliquez ici pour vous inscrire. À l'approche de la date de la session, les participants recevront un manuel contenant les détails de connexion.