Incumbent of St. Paul’s Anglican Church, in Côte-des-Neiges.

The Bishop of Montreal invites applications for the full-time position of Incumbent of St. Paul’s Anglican Church, in Côte-des-Neiges. The bishop is looking to appoint a priest who will both serve and lead the parishioners of St. Paul’s Anglican Church, in Côte-des-Neiges, in their efforts to organize for its future.  In the profile found here are detailed stimulating challenges and exciting opportunities for the right candidate.  With a letter of permission from their bishop, interested applicants may submit their curriculum vitae with covering letter, outlining why they feel called to this parish, to the Bishop of the Diocese of Montreal by mail or email. Application deadline September 30, 2024.


Bishop's intention to Ordain Deacons /L' intention de l'évêque d'ordonner des diacres.

photo by Janet Best

Under the terms of Canon 18, please give notice in your churches this Sunday, that, God willing, on Sunday, October 6th, The Feast of Francis of Assisi (transferred), at 4pm at Christ Church Cathedral, I intend to ordain Geoffrey McLarney, to the vocational Diaconate and Peter Lekx, B.Mus., M.Mus., L.Th. to the Diaconate (transitional).

Conformément au Canon 18, je vous demande d’aviser vos communautés
dès dimanche prochain, de mon intention, Dieu aidant, d’ordonner Geoffrey McLarney, au diaconat vocationnel et Peter Lekx, B.Mus., M.Mus., L.Th. au diaconat (transitoire). L’ordination aura lieu à la Cathédrale Christ Church dimanche, le 6 octobre, la fête de François d'Assise (transféré) à 16h00.

2025 Canadian Church resources (calendar, McCausland's, planners/diaries)

2025 Canadian Church resources available now (calendar, McCausland's, planners/diaries)

Follow this link to order

You can find a preview of the 2025 edition and other promotional graphics/files, at All dioceses/parishes are encouraged to submit photos for the 2026 calendar through February 2025.

You are invited to an Evensong with The Archbishop of York

The Most Reverend, Stephen Cottrell Biography

Born in Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, in 1958, Stephen Cottrell was educated at Belfairs High School, Leigh-on-Sea, and the Polytechnic of Central London. He found faith as a teenager through the work of youth organisations in his local church.  After a brief spell working in the film industry, and at St Christopher’s Hospice in South London, he began training for ministry at St Stephen’s House, Oxford, in 1981 and was ordained deacon at the age of 25. He later studied for an MA with St Mellitus College.

Serving his curacy in Christ Church and St Paul’s, Forest Hill, south London, in the mid-1980s he was priest-in-charge at St Wilfrid’s, in Parklands, a council estate parish in Chichester from 1988 to 1993. He also served as Assistant Director of Pastoral Studies at Chichester Theological College at the same time.

He then moved to West Yorkshire, as Diocesan Missioner and Bishop’s Chaplain for Evangelism in the Diocese of Wakefield and in 1998 he also became a member of Springboard, the Archbishop of York and Canterbury’s team for evangelism. Throughout this time he adopted Huddersfield Town as his team alongside his beloved Spurs.

In 2001, he was called south to become Canon Pastor of Peterborough Cathedral and three years later was consecrated as Bishop of Reading. He became Bishop of Chelmsford in 2010 and served there until 2020 when he became the 98th Archbishop of York. 

Author of more than 20 books including children’s books, Stephen enjoys poetry, music and art.  He has undertaken several walking pilgrimages, including twice walking the Camino to Santiago de Compostela in Spain, as well as pilgrim routes in England. You can read about this in his book, Striking Out, poems and stories from the Camino. In 2002 he walked from Durham to York with young people from his church youth group.

A founding member of the Church of England’s College of Evangelists, he has also chaired a group of bishops with an interest in the media and is one of the authors of the Church of England’s Pilgrim course, a major teaching and discipleship resource. He is President of the College of Preachers.  

Stephen is married to Rebecca who is a potter and they have three sons, two grandchildren and a dog.


Supper Club Summer Prayer Walk! (The Spiritual Benefits of Walking)

The Spiritual Benefits of Walking…

We all know that walking has benefits for your heart, lungs, digestion, bones, muscles and can boost your mood and cognition, but did you know that walking can benefit your spirit too?!

Yes! Let’s gather for another walk, some prayer, reflection and precious time together as a community of seekers.

What to Expect?

We will open our rime together with some scripture then walk, pray and enjoy the spiritual benefits of walking and being present with and to the Holy Spirit. We will explore walking as a whole body prayer (using nature, breath, movement, connection and imagination to fuel our practice)

Then we will have a simple picnic and enjoy some conversation and reflect on our experience.  Perhaps make some time to share stories about how we are showing up for God and/ or God is showing up for us during these long days of Summer.

RSVP to let me know (reply now) if you are in! I am trying to figure out the picnic details so I need to know who is interested.

Event Details

Where: We will walk along the beautiful Faiaise nature trail in NDG  (6510 St Jacques) and stop for a picnic along the way. Bring your dogs, your kids, wear something comfortable!

When: Meet up on Monday August 26th at 5:30 behind the Rose Bowl on St Jacques in NDG.

Near the 90 bus stop. Parking available.