Sunday School Lesson Plan for Advent
/Download the Lesson Plan PDF HERE
Contact us to discuss the plan or for children/ youth ministry support
Download archived lesson plans HERE
Download the Lesson Plan PDF HERE
Contact us to discuss the plan or for children/ youth ministry support
Download archived lesson plans HERE
As we approach Advent and the Christmas Season, there are so many situations in the world that leave many feeling hopeless. We encourage you as parish reps and clergy to reflect on God’s love for the world. We can show that love by supporting those who are suffering and inspire hope for a better future. PWRDF is active around the world doing just that.
During this season of giving, there are two ways that each parish can be involved.
1. PWRDF WORLD OF GIFTS: Each parish will be receiving a package of World of Gifts catalogues to share. Please consider taking 3-5 minutes each Sunday of Advent to have a child or adult read a short paragraph about one or two of the projects to the congregation. It's a wonderful way to involve children and youth. The World of Gifts catalogue shares brief stories and images of the work being done around the world for disaster relief and development. We can choose to donate to one of these projects: such as drilling wells giving access to clean water; to maternity kits for new mothers providing essential items for their babies; to seed banks for farmers; to cold weather necessities kits for those who have been displaced from their homes because of natural disasters or war. Do you and your family have everything you need? Do you wonder what to give instead of more 'stuff'? You can support and donate in honour of a loved one who doesn’t need more stuff. Follow the order form instructions and you will receive a gift card to send to a relative or friend describing the project you chose.
2. ADVENT CALENDARS Adapted from calendars created by our Ann Cumyn, please print, or share by email. Each day as we countdown to Christmas with our families we can reflect on something that we take for granted like clean running water. At the end, we all contribute to one parish fund and vote to choose a parish project together. The money can be given by cheque made out to the parish but earmarked for PWRDF or e-transferred directly to PWRDF as long as the parish rep and/or treasurer is advised so the total can be tallied. When the treasurer sends in the donation to PWRDF it should be clearly identified as to which project the money should be directed. 100% of designated gifts go to the chosen project. Some are matched by the government.
Find the Advent Calendar to share / print HERE
Contact Ros MacGregor with any questions or for more details
À l'approche de l'Avent et de la période de Noël, le monde est confronté à de nombreuses situations qui laissent beaucoup de gens sans espoir. Nous vous encourageons, en tant que représentants paroissiaux et membres du clergé, à réfléchir à l'amour de Dieu. Une des manières de le montrer c’est en soutenant ceux et celles qui souffrent et en inspirant l'espoir d'un avenir meilleur. C'est précisément ce que fait PWRDF dans le monde entier.
En cette période de dons, chaque paroisse peut s'impliquer de deux manières.
Chaque paroisse recevra un paquet de catalogues du Monde des cadeaux à partager. Nous vous invitons à prendre trois minutes chaque dimanche de l'Avent pour qu'un enfant ou un adulte lise un court paragraphe sur un ou deux des projets à l'assemblée. C'est un excellent moyen d'impliquer les enfants et les jeunes.
Le catalogue « Le monde des cadeaux » présente de brèves histoires et des images du travail accompli dans le monde entier pour l'aide aux sinistrés et le développement. Nous pouvons choisir de faire un don à l'un de ces projets : forage de puits donnant accès à de l'eau propre ; kits de maternité pour les nouvelles mères fournissant des articles essentiels pour leurs bébés ; banques de semences pour les agriculteurs ; kits de produits de première nécessité pour les personnes déplacées de leur domicile en raison de catastrophes naturelles ou de guerres.
Votre famille et vous avez tout ce dont vous avez besoin ? Vous vous demandez ce que vous pourriez donner au lieu de vous encombrer davantage ? Vous pouvez soutenir et faire un don en l'honneur d'un être cher qui n'a pas besoin de plus de choses. Suivez les instructions du formulaire de commande et vous recevrez une carte-cadeau à envoyer à un parent ou à un ami décrivant le projet que vous avez choisi.
Adapté des calendriers créés par notre Ann Cumyn, veuillez les imprimer ou les partager par courriel. Chaque jour, alors que nous faisons le compte à rebours jusqu'à Noël avec nos familles, nous pouvons réfléchir à quelque chose que nous tenons pour acquis, comme de l'eau courante propre. À la fin, nous contribuons tous à un fonds paroissial et nous votons pour choisir un projet paroissial
L'argent peut être versé par chèque libellé à l'ordre de la paroisse et destiné à PWRDF
ou par virement électronique directement à PWRDF, à condition que le représentant de la paroisse soit informé afin que le total puisse être comptabilisé.
Lorsque le trésorier envoie le don à PWRDF, il doit clairement indiquer à quel projet l'argent doit être destiné. 100 % des dons désignés sont affectés au projet choisi. Certains sont abondés par le gouvernement.
Trouvez les calendrier a imprimer et / ou partager ici
Ros Macgregor et l'équipe PWRDF Montréal
Archbishop Anne Germond, acting primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, has reiterated the church’s commitment to being a safe place for all following Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby’s resignation over his handling of serial abuse against children and young men by the late John Smyth.
Find the full article in the Anglican Journal HERE
The Anglican Church of Canada is committed to continuing the work needed to make the church a safe place for all, in keeping with our baptismal covenant to respect the dignity of every human being. We pray for the humility, courage and wisdom needed for this all-important work.
The temperature is dropping, and the journey that is Advent is underway and I’d like to share with you a unique opportunity to have a meaningful impact by picking up your knitting needles!
Meaningful you say so? The Mission Committee is on a mission of its own...instead of being a resource for parish outreach initiatives, we are inviting you and your communities to both support and join in a unique project. We are asking all knitters to create 50x50 squares that, once gathered, will be sewn into blankets to be sold at a special event scheduled for May 10th, 2025, on the Place Ville Marie esplanade. These blankets will not only provide warmth but also serve a vital purpose: to raise awareness about violence against women and girls while supporting local shelters.
Knitting is more than just a craft; it’s a way to weave love and compassion into every stitch. Each square you create will offer comfort as well as symbolizing hope and solidarity for those who need it most.
The Mission Committee sees this as not "just" about making blankets; it’s about fostering connections within our Diocese. Gather your friends, family, or fellow parishioners for a knitting circle! Share tips, laughter, and warm drinks as you work together towards this heartfelt goal. Whether you’re an experienced knitter or just starting out, every contribution counts. Feel free to use any yarn you have on hand; vibrant colours can uplift spirits, while softer textures ensure comfort.
Once completed, these blankets will be sold to raise funds for shelters that provide essential services to women and girls affected by violence. Your efforts will directly support these organizations, helping them continue their crucial work in our community. Additionally, by raising awareness through this project, we can spark conversations about the importance of protecting the vulnerable among us.
So let’s get started! Grab your knitting needles, some yarn, and let’s create something beautiful together. Whether you knit one square or many, your participation makes a difference. Join us in this uplifting project that combines creativity with compassion—because together, we can spread warmth and hope across the Diocese!
Upcoming communication from the Diocese will include some facts and figures. For more information contact Penny Rankin-Chair Standing Committee
Back by popular demand, Christ Church Beaurepaire will host an event for 12-18 year old youth!
The dream team of Peter Lekx, Lee-Ann Matthews, Neil Mancor and myself will lead. Dinner will be served. We'll begin at 4, but if you can't make it on time, come anyway - we know traffic and school schedules are a factor! The retreat will wrap up at 10 pm.
The graphic says "Anglican" but anyone who'd like to come is more than welcome.
You don't have to formally register but we'd love to know how many folks to expect and if there are any dietary restrictions to navigate. Please pass this on to those who might be interested!
Thanks so much!
1444 Union Avenue
Montreal, Quebec H3A 2B8
Tel: (514) 843-6577 // 1 (800) 355-3788
Fax: (514) 843 6344
The Synod Office is located on the traditional and unceded territory of the Kanien’keha:ka (Mohawk), at a place called Tio’tia:ke (Montreal), a meeting place for many First Nations, including the Haudenosaunee (Six Nation Confederacy), Anishinabeg and Algonquin peoples.
We recognize and respect the Kanien’keha:ka as the traditional stewards of the land and waters of Tio’tia:ke.
Our acknowledgement stands as a promise to continue the ongoing work of recognition and reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples.
©2025 Synod of the Diocese of Montreal & Lord Bishop of Montreal