Bishop's Confirmation Day was a resounding Success!!!
/Bishop’s Confirmation Day 2018
by Lee-Ann Matthews (MTL Youth Project Coordinator)
Last year, as Mark Dunwoody and I were planning our 2017/2018 calendar, we started dreaming and praying about a day that would celebrate Confirmation. I was really excited and said to him “We’re going to get 100 people! This is going to be awesome!”
However, in January, our beloved Missioner left our Diocese for another position in the UK. This was distressing for me as he was the one who initiated me into Diocesan youth ministry and, with 30 years of experience and a solid track record, was the sounding board for all of my outlandish ideas. Without him I wasn’t sure if our dream of hosting the first ever Bishop’s Confirmation Day would actually come to fruition.
Well…. As the days grew nearer to the event, the interest and energy was mounting steadily. In fact, we had to close registration and start a waiting list because our event had reached capacity! I am delighted to share that we received over 100 enthusiastic guests on February 24th at Fulford Hall. And the best part is that our guests left even more on fire for God than when they arrived!
We hosted an intergenerational day that was fast paced and included percussion and water marbling workshops, photo booth, mitre-making station, Bishop’s cross display and a giant guest book to sign. We worshipped with Zack Ingles’ awesome rock band and a poignant and meaningful message from Jean Daniel Williams. Guests included the Dean of the Cathedral, Bertrand Olivier, the Executive Archdeacon, Robert Camara, and many clergy, young adults, youth and children from across our Diocese.
Our gracious Bishop led a stunning tour of the Cathedral with wit and charm and took the best selfies in the photo booth throughout the day! In fact, interacting with the Bishop was one of the highlights of the event for many! Each participant was encouraged to establish an ongoing new exchange with a prayer partner. Guests received prayer cards with prompts to encourage and support this relationship.
The energy was high, the joy was palpable and the Spirit was alive and with us at the BCD18!
Who knows, we may just do it again one day!!!
Scroll down to enjoy a photo gallery by Janet Best
Our Bishop, Mary Irwin-Gibson, welcomes our guests!
The Zack Ingles Band leads the worship
The St. Thomas FASt kids enjoy the celebration!
Rev. Jean-Daniel Williams delivers a poignant message
Our Bishop leads a tour of the Cathedral
Saya Percussion raises the roof with music, rhythm and energy!
+Mary wears a hand crafted mitre!
Lee-Ann Matthews, Project Coordinator, is thrilled with the turn out!
Find a prayer partner and use prompts from the prayer card to pray!
More fun as we transition through a fast paced, spirit filled event!
Kuki (Katerin Juretic) demonstrates the true meaning of hospitality
Ben Stuchberry helps us to each craft our own mitre
SO many youth celebrating their faith!
Bishop's Crosses Station both informative and beautiful!!
Thanking our Bishop! For without a Bishop there would be no Bishop's Confirmation Day!
The Water Marbling workshop allowed for a more serene workshop alternative. Thanks to Christina Marie Phelps!