The Bishop and the Cathedral would like to invite you to take part in a Diocesan-wide celebration of the Great Vigil of Easter,
/A Message from the Dean
The Bishop and the Cathedral would like to invite you to take part in a Diocesan-wide celebration of the Great Vigil of Easter, to be broadcast on Zoom at 7:00 Saturday April 3 from the Cathedral (the link will be circulated nearer the time). It is our hope that this might be a truly diocesan service, reflecting our diversity and unity. We are therefore reaching out to all churches and communities to ask whether you and your congregation might be willing not only to attend, but also to participate by offering readers (who can read on Zoom, or pre-record their readings on a smartphone in front of their own churches, or in a significant place in their own towns) or even music videos from your own choir, band or musicians which could be incorporated into the worship so that it reflects the breadth of the diocese.
If you would be interested in sharing a music piece or a reader, please contact Deborah Meister at the cathedral (, so that we can coordinate this, firm up assignments and make sure the service works as a whole. We hope to maximize the number of congregations represented, so we aim to choose musical recordings and readers from different churches to further that goal. It would help us if you could let us have your expression of interest by Tuesday 9 March at the end of the day.
Of course, your congregation may have already decided to still offer your own Vigil service, but I do hope and pray that many will be able to join as a diocese for what is the most significant feast of our faith, and therefore contribute to shine a bright and joyful light into even this dark and challenging time.
In Christ