A New Manual for Children, Youth and Family Ministry (Available Now)
/Valerie Taylor: Come Together, A New Resource to support Children, Youth and Family Ministry and can be Adapted for Digital Ministry.
As promised at our Children’s Ministry Matters Day in late 2021, the Come Together manual is now available!
Here is a synopsis of Valerie’s presentation ….
Valerie described a new resource she is producing called Come Together, that focuses on the feasts and festivals of the church year with an emphasis on all age gatherings for the whole community throughout the entire year. She explained that gatherings, in particular worship outside the box, cannot be implemented by one person but instead require a strong team (musical, technical, planning etc.).
The beautiful cover of the manual, featuring Valerie’s original watercolour painting, (featured here) depicts the Liturgical Calendar and allows participants the option to make their own version as an activity. This, she says, helps children to recognize and learn the liturgical seasons.
Valerie challenges us to set aside old models of Sunday school and to remember that prior to the industrial revolution worship took place all together. Being grounded in the liturgical seasons while exploring new models is important. She emphasized that Jesus taught outdoors and in homes as well. She encouraged us to know that all of the gatherings outlined in the manual have been tested and can be adapted to differences in liturgy / tradition.
There are games, quizzes, art projects, recipes, adapted to online or hybrid ministry.
She suggests that these gatherings occur once a month. Stay tuned, this new children’s ministry resource will be launching soon!
To learn more, contact Valerie office@crosstalkministries.ca
“Come Together” is now available for purchase!
The Come Together manual contains all the resource materials necessary for churches and communities who would like to offer All Age worship gatherings throughout the Church Year. Included for each Gathering is an introduction, running order and a large resource section filled with video and audio links, activities, recipes and more.There are close to 100 pages including ideas for vibrant worship experiences in which the whole church family can participate.
Come Together is priced reasonably at only 40$ as we recognise that many churches are struggling while we still navigate the pandemic. Payment can be made via e-transfer to donations@crosstalkministries.ca
Please indicate this is a payment for Come Together e-book or via the CTM PayPal button on our website. If you are able to make a further donation above the purchase price you can do so at- donations@crosstalkministries.ca.
Once we receive your payment you will be sent a secure link whereby the e-book may be downloaded.