Meet Your Lenten Listening Circle Facilitators
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Neil Mancor is the Congregational Development coordinator for the Diocese of Montreal. His role is to help equip parishes for the mission of God. Trained in Restorative Practices for faith communities, Neil is experienced in leading circle group discussions to assist in decision making, to help work through conflict and to facilitate mutual understanding. Neil is passionate about the power of listening to heal relationships and build community
Jean-Jacques Goulet is a retired priest from our diocese. He was part of the pastoral team at Christ Church Cathedral and later at St Hilda’s, la petite chapelle rouge.
His involvement in restorative justice spanned more than a decade and began as coordinator of the Centre de services de justice réparatrice where groups of victims of crimes meet offenders who have committed similar crimes. He ended this period of his life in restorative justice as coordinator of Circles of Support and Accountability for Quebec, a program to protect communities by helping sex offenders not reoffend. He continues to act monthly as a consultant, on line, for this program in France.
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