In recognition of the Five Year Anniversary of the Death of Alan Kurdi and the Continued Struggle of Refugees Around the World

Five years ago a photo was published around the world. The image of Alan Kurdi, a small Syrian boy, on a beach, drowned while his family tried to seek safety, spurred a reaction rarely seen. At Action Réfugiés Montréal, journalists contacted us, trying to understand the scope of the Syrian refugee crisis, and, importantly, how people here in Montreal, Hawkesbury, the Laurentians and elsewhere could lend a hand. We shared our expertise on television, radio, and in print. People here in Canada with family members in refugee situations elsewhere also contacted us, trying to find a way to bring their families to Canada. Our phones were overwhelmed with offers to help: furniture, apartments, meals at home, going for coffee, and clothes. Churches and individuals called us, wanting to sponsor Syrian families. Individuals, foundations, and corporations sent us financial donations, often unsolicited. One photo quite unexpectedly created a cavalcade of generosity and caring.

Since then, over 40,000 Syrian refugees have arrived in Canada. They have learned French and/or English. The children are in school. People have found or created jobs. Much has been done, and we are thankful many people are living in safety. But when we talk to some of these folks about this anniversary, it brings tears: reminders of the difficult journey to arrive in Canada, the uncertainty they lived, and the numerous relatives lost due to war or trying to flee. Many here in Canada still have family members living in difficult situations, five years later, and hope that they might be reunited somehow.

Much remains to be done. Many Syrians are still in Syria, many are in neighboring countries. A large cohort live in Lebanon, a country currently in crisis. Children there are lacking nourishment and education. Parents have lost their jobs and means of supporting their families. Many are afraid, lacking money, food, and housing. The Gazette recently reported that the pandemic has increased disparities in Montreal between well-to-do families and newcomers; we know this is also the case for refugeed people in far-away lands. The pandemic caused a temporary halt for over four months, and an extremely harsh, abrupt reduction in the number of arrivals of sponsored refugees this year. People who have already waited years for their files to be processed now are forced to wait even longer, as are those living extended family separation.

And of course, there are not only Syrian people who need protection: organizations like ours have applications for sponsorship from countries like Burundi, Iraq, Eritrea, and Afghanistan, among others. Quebec has greatly reduced the number of sponsorship files accepted. Recently, the allotment for files submitted outside Montreal was not reached. We suggested flexibility to re-apportion the quotas to at least offer sponsorship spaces to the number of people originally planned. Notre gouvernement refused our suggestion, so even fewer people than planned will arrive. A government that can’t seem to acknowledge systemic racism refuses to meet its already miserly low quota for refugee sponsorship. A government that declares thanks to “les anges gardiens” offers permanent residence to some, but sees those who do the cleaning or provide security as not angelic enough.

Five years after the photo was published, our attitude is quite well defined. Gratitude, for the effort put forward by all segments of Canadian society to reach out a hand to refugeed people seeking solutions. Resolve, to continue to advocate for refugee rights, both for refugee claimants and for shorter wait times for sponsorship files. Confidence, in the willingness of our neighbours, including individuals, faith communities, and corporate entities, to continue to support the work of organizations that accompany refugeed people upon their arrival in Canada.

Five years ago a photo of a tragedy inspired so many of us to reach out. We know that compassion and justice for refugeed people will continue to provide hope to people here and far away.

Paul Clarke is Executive Director, and Cathy Nguyen and Emily Woods are Coordinators of the Sponsorship Program at Action Réfugiés Montreal.

La Presse

Register NOW for Webinar Series with Tools and Information to Improve Digital Worship

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  • Week 1. Friday September 18 10 -11:30 am EST Presenter Dr. Jonathan White

    Theme: Music & Worship

  • Week 2. Friday September 25 10-11:30 am EST Presenters: Jen DeTracey, Tyler Schmidt, Reid Emerson August Bode and Dr. Jonathan White

    Theme: Safety & Ethics

  • Week 3. Friday October 2nd 10-11:30 am EST Presenters: Rev. Dr. Joanne Mercer and Rev Rob Cooke

    Theme: Formation & Community

EXTRA! EXTRA! Read all about it! The Fall issue of the Anglican Montreal is here!

A Message from the Editor

I hope you take the time to read this issue of the Anglican Montreal. As is evident from the front page, the focus is on Black Lives Matter; and the stories within are often deeply personal and moving. I am grateful to those who offered to share their thoughts and experiences of racism here in Quebec... and sometimes here in the Church. I would like to thank Ros Macgregor, who encouraged the (sometimes) reluctant authors to write about a topic that can be painful to confront. And also the Rev'd Stanley Brooks, who provides a fascinating overview of our diocesan history of racial integration in his article, The Evolution of Ethnic Diversity in the Montreal Church. We have so much to learn from each other. I hope the conversation continues.

Nicki Hronjak, Editor

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Beyond the Plate on Zoom. 10am, Tuesday August 25th

Join Neil Mancor and his guest Gillian Doucet-Campbell from the Diocese of Niagara for the first of a new season of Beyond the Plate coaching calls on Zoom. 10am, Tuesday August 25th.

With the summer coming towards an end, RIGHT NOW is a great opportunity to write a thank you letter to all your donors who have faithfully supported your church all summer long. With our tentative reopening beginning, it is an even greater opportunity to thank those who have hung in there all through the pandemic.

In this conversation we will look at why you need to send out a thank you now, take a look at some great design tips for impactful thank you communications, and together we will write a sample letter you can adapt for your community.


Meeting ID: 816 6365 8407

Supper Club Blog: A reflection on who we are and what we are up to…

“What is the need right now around which I’m willing to show you my need and let you basically create something new together to mark, to witness, to invent: start with the need” - Priya Parker
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Like all good things, this is an evolving story! Supper Club has transformed over the years. As an experimental ministry we have tried different approaches. But truth be told, Supper Club gained its sea legs and found her momentum in 2019 once we made a few strategic tweaks and modifications. 

We gained clarity by asking questions such as:

What is the need?

Who are we serving?

What is our purpose?

I prayed, listened and consulted  on these questions until I felt a stirring to create something new. I sensed that there must be others like me, who are interested in faith and Christian spirituality and wish to explore these ideas outside of the context of  the Sunday morning model. It soon became clear that gathering with a shared purpose, with a focus on relationships, scripture, stories, food and prayer was the new direction we were called in.

As a result, we created a community of seekers that actually  listens, prays, supports and wonders together. We were blessed by face to face gatherings including prayer and conversation over a meal throughout the Fall and Winter until we were forced to adapt and shifted to digital.  Now we are enthusiastically looking forward to hanging out in a park for a socially distanced picnic next week!

What impresses me and makes me most proud of the Supper Club community and its evolution is the ways that we have cared for and supported each other especially in the last 6 months. During this time of global pandemic, we have deepened our connection in both tangible and intangible ways. I personally thank God in prayer every day for this community and how we have enriched each other's lives.

The other day I was walking in NDG  and I passed by a church with this quote on the lawn.

“We will never change the world by going to Church 

We will only change the world by being the Church”


It’s kind of a cliché I know but when I read this I thought about The Supper Club community and this filled me with hope knowing that we have accomplished meaningful acts of friendship, outreach and generosity together, knowing that we have been the church!

I can’t wait to plan, pray and dream about the direction of Supper Club and the ways that we will continue to transform our gatherings with mission, purpose and love this year!

Find Resources for Sunday School Leaders on Engaging with Children and Youth Online HERE

In preparation for the Back to School Season, we hosted a series of webinars with different speakers on the topic of Engaging with Children and Youth Online

You may view the sessions here

Week 1 Engaging with Children and Youth Online An Overview

Week 2 Responding to the Topic: A discussion on the theme (not recorded)

Week 3 Engaging with Children Online

Week 4 Engaging with Youth Online

Bonus Material

(cover photo by Deleece Cook)

Scarcity or Abundance (Blog by Neil Mancor)

Scarcity or Abundance

How do you see the world?

One way we have of dividing ourselves up as human beings is into the glass-is-half-full or glass-is-half-empty camps. That is to say those who look at life or circumstances and see what is there and those who see what is lacking. The optimists and the pessimists. It’s considered a way of establishing a person’s worldview.

We could be forgiven for thinking that the cup is more than half-empty right now in Church. We haven’t been able to meet together since March. Some of us have managed to maintain our levels of giving, others have not. For many of our Churches, this has been a time of having to very seriously rethink the very economic foundations of our communities as rental and event-based income have dried up due to the pandemic. Indeed we may not be able to go back to depending upon those sources for a long time.

So perhaps it feels not only like the cup is half empty but, to change metaphors, that the cupboard is bare. Resources are scarce. But when we allow a sense of scarcity to guide our decisions and thinking, we tend to turn inward, hoard what we have for ourselves and become fearful of the future and suspicious others. That can only lead to a downward spiral of discouragement, inertia, fragmentation and dwindling.

Or, it could throw us into the hands of the Living God. I don’t see half-full or half-empty thinking in the Bible. The Scriptures talk about a glass overflowing kind of thinking. My cup runneth over says the Psalm writer. It is about abundance, not scarcity. I do not think that is intended to be thought of in material terms, prosperity gospel terms. It comes from the writer’s awareness of the utter closeness and care of God the Shepherd. It comes from who the Lord is and what the Lord does. You prepare a table before me; you anoint my head with oil: my cup runneth over. When the young adults in my family sit in my kitchen eating and laughing and being loud; when I sit looking at the wildness of the sea on holiday at Métis – my heart is filled with the gratitude that says: my cup runneth over with abundant blessing. Not scarcity – abundance.

In our Churches we can look at what we have managed to do since the pandemic began with such gratitude. It is amazing to think that we are still together. The very fact that so many of us went to the effort to keep on meeting somehow, anyhow, is a sign of God’s abundant blessing. So now, with the expectation of God’s loving care and abundant blessing, let us together press into God and look for God’s abundant generosity for our communities. When we allow ourselves to be guided by an abundance mentality, we place ourselves in the cross-hairs of God’s grace, and we are better able to see what is there, rather than what is missing. We open ourselves up to the possibility that God is God and has plans and purposes for us. We see the potential in a mustard seed, we regard the other faith communities around us not as competitors but as collaborators in the Kingdom of God. And we will find that God is enough.

Psalm 73:26

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

photo credit: Manu Schwendener

A Series of Webinars with Tools and Information to improve Digital Worship : Save the Date

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  • Week 1. Friday September 18 10 -11:30 am EST Presenter Dr. Jonathan White Theme: Music & Worship

  • Week 2. Friday September 25 10-11:30 am EST Presenter: TBA Theme: Safety & Ethics

  • Week 3. Friday October 2nd 10-11:30 am EST Presenter: TBA Theme: Formation & Community