Anti Black Racism Task Force Presentation to Synod May 2021

(Excerpt from the Bishop’s Charge 2021)

A task force was struck soon after and I am so very grateful for their hard work. Tomorrow you will hear more about what’s being planned. All of us in the diocese are asked to take on the work of education and increased awareness of subconscious and conscious attitudes and behaviours that undermine racial justice and equity in our society. I hold up the vision of the Kingdom of God from the book of Revelation where a great multiracial gathering worships the Lamb:

After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands, and crying out with a loud voice, “Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!” (Rev. 7: 9-10 ESV)

Thy Kingdom Come Day 3 (May 15, 2021)

Welcome to thy Kingdom Come Day 3 May 15, 2021

Every Day for 10 days (May 13-May 23rd) we will be praying together for renewal and revival in the Diocese of Montreal!

“Expand The Heart”

We worship together during our Annual Synod Join HERE

contact Rev. Dr. Neil Mancor to learn more

Thy Kingdom Come Montreal

Thy Kingdom Come Day 2 (May 14 2021)

Every Day for 10 days (May 13-May 23rd) we will be praying together for renewal and revival in the Diocese of Montreal!

Welcome to Day 2, May 14 2021 Today we will gather for worship for our Annual Synod / Join HERE

Synod Friday & Saturday, May 14-15

Join our Synod worship on Friday  and Saturday at 9am and 4pm Saturday and 9am and 12:45 pm Sunday. A Synod is a gathering of the representatives of the whole Church. We gather with people, clergy and our Bishop. It is an important time to renew our corporate life for another year.  So please join with us in praying for our Synod which represents us all. Pray for our Bishop and our clergy. They so need our urgent prayer. And pray for the people of our Diocese who hunger and thirst for more. The Spirit falls equally upon us all: may we all equally share the gifts God gives us.

Let us Give Thanks for the blessings we receive…

Learn more about Thy Kingdom Come

Contact Neil to pray

Download the Prayer Journal in English and French

Thy Kingdom Come Launches Today - Find information about Day 1 Here...

a new prayer opportunity everyday


Thank you for joining us today, Thursday May 13 2021 

Ascension Day

We launch our journey into 10 days of prayer with an Ascension Day service offered by Rev Grace Burson and the parish of All Saints by the Lake. Ascension Day is actually an important moment in the story of Jesus. God the Word came down and was made human, Jesus. He was lifted high upon a cross and then descended into death before rising to life. So it already begins to sound like a divine elevator! Then Jesus had to do one more thing: he had to return, body and soul into heaven from where he would pour out the Holy Spirit upon the world and God’s promises would be fulfilled and nothing would ever be the same.

So when we pray on Ascension Day, we are praying that God’s plans and purposes would continue to unfold in us. We pray for the renewal of our Diocese because this is where we live and serve.  I invite you to join me in these days of prayer as we offer our Diocese back to God and trust that God is with us and that even greater things are yet to come.

Join us for the Ascension Day service to launch our ten days of prayer.

7pm EST Zoom Join HERE

Learn more about Thy Kingdom Come

Contact Neil

Download the Prayer Journal in English and French

Download the Prayer Calendar with live links HERE

Jerusalem Sunday, May 16th 2021

Bishop Hosam Naoum Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem

Bishop Hosam Naoum Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem

Jerusalem Sunday is a Sunday when our focus intentionally falls on the material aspects of our faith in that we are asked to be mindful of the geography of our faith and be mindful that certain events happened in time and space to a young man called Jeshuah ben Nosri.

In this remembering, we are brought to the physical places of Jesus’ ministry where he interacted with people, prayed with people and healed so many of various forms of afflictions. We are forced not simply to speak in the past but can actualize in the present a physical connection.

As companions to the members of the Anglican Church of the episcopal diocese of Jerusalem, we walk with, pray with, lament and rejoice with our sisters and brothers in Jerusalem over our shared ministries in the body of Christ. The diocese with its 23 parishes and over 22 educational and health services spread throughout Palestine, Israel, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and the Gaza, carries out its Gospel led ministry some of the most impoverished areas of the world.

Jerusalem, our most ancient heritage is what we celebrate on Jerusalem Sunday and the Companions of Jerusalem are proud to be able to highlight its most treasured companions, those who are spoken of as the ‘living stones of Jerusalem.’. “Jerusalem is truly the mother of all who call themselves Christian, indeed all who call themselves Jew and Muslim,” Hiltz wrote in the 2014 edition of the Journal when first the day was instituted”. And, he said, as Bishop Dawani himself has said, “There is room for everyone in Jerusalem.” (Anglican Journal, 2014)

“The Anglican Church of Canada and the Diocese of Jerusalem have been companions in mission for many years,” explained Andrea Mann, global relations director. “Jerusalem Sunday is intended to lift up this relationship and celebrate the ‘living stones’ of the diocese-Arab Christians and others serving in ministries of hospitality, education, health care and reconciliation in Jerusalem, Palestine, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria.” (Dr. A. Mann Director of Global Relations, Anglican Church of Canada)

Help us to make this Sunday even more of a celebration by committing yourself, and your parish to becoming a Companion or simply today of all days pray for the peace of Jerusalem. For further resources for Jerusalem Sunday an for information on how to become a Canadian Companion of Jerusalem please visit the Anglican church website

The Rev. P. G. Kirkpatrick

Chair, Advisory Council of the Canadian Companions of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem

Prayer for Jerusalem

O God, We give thanks that your dear Son has gathered us in the embrace of his redeeming love and sent us to make that love known to the ends of the earth.

We pray your continued blessings on the steadfast witness of the Church in Jerusalem and throughout the Middle East.

Give your deep joy to those who welcome the pilgrims seeking to know this land and its many peoples.

Grace those who proclaim the gospel.

Guide all who teach a new generation of young people.

Draw near to those who are sick and bless those who tend them.

Sustain the hope of all who long and labour for a just and lasting peace in the land of The Holy One.

And may the companions of Jerusalem be many and faithful.

We pray in the name of our merciful Saviour, Friend, and Brother, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

(Archbishop Fred Hiltz, 2014)

Thy Kingdom Come Launches soon! Learn more...

10 days of prayer around the world

10 days of prayer around the world

Click HERE for the Live Calendar with clickable links

Every Day for 10 days (May 13-May 23rd) we will be praying together for renewal and revival in the Diocese of Montreal!

Learn more about Thy Kingdom Come

How to participate?

Step 1. Download the Prayer Journal in English and French

Step 2. Visit our website daily for inspirations and prayer prompts

Step 3. Pray with us

Support for Parish Communicators...

We gathered for a workshop / webinar with Parish Communicators from across the Diocese of Montreal to network, share ideas, encourage and support.

We are so appreciative of this important ministry and wish to thank all those who do this critical work.

Here are some resources to help you

Download the PDF Do’s and Dont’s For Parish Communicators

Other Digital Communication Webinars from the Diocese of Montreal

watch the most recent webinar below…