A New Manual for Children, Youth and Family Ministry (Available Now)

Valerie Taylor: Come Together, A New Resource to support Children, Youth and Family Ministry and can be Adapted for Digital Ministry.

As promised at our Children’s Ministry Matters Day in late 2021, the Come Together manual is now available!

Here is a synopsis of Valerie’s presentation ….

Valerie described a new resource she is producing called Come Together, that focuses on the feasts and festivals of the church year with an emphasis on all age gatherings for the whole community throughout the entire year. She explained that gatherings, in particular worship outside the box, cannot be implemented by one person but instead require a strong team (musical, technical, planning etc.).

The beautiful cover of the manual, featuring Valerie’s original watercolour painting, (featured here) depicts the Liturgical Calendar and allows participants the option to make their own version as an activity. This, she says, helps children to recognize and learn the liturgical seasons.  

Valerie challenges us to set aside old models of Sunday school and to remember that prior to the industrial revolution worship took place all together. Being grounded in the liturgical seasons while exploring new models is important. She emphasized that Jesus taught outdoors and in homes as well.  She encouraged us to know that all of the gatherings outlined in the manual have been tested and can be adapted to differences in liturgy / tradition. 

There are games, quizzes, art projects, recipes, adapted to online or hybrid ministry. 

She suggests that these gatherings occur once a month. Stay tuned, this new children’s ministry resource will be launching soon!

To learn more, contact Valerie office@crosstalkministries.ca

“Come Together” is now available for purchase!

The Come Together manual contains all the resource materials necessary for churches and communities who would like to offer All Age worship gatherings throughout the Church Year. Included for each Gathering is an introduction, running order and a large resource section filled with video and audio links, activities, recipes and more.There are close to 100 pages including ideas for vibrant worship experiences in which the whole church family can participate.

Come Together is priced reasonably at only 40$ as we recognise that many churches are struggling while we still navigate the pandemic. Payment can be made via e-transfer to donations@crosstalkministries.ca

Please indicate this is a payment for Come Together e-book or via the CTM PayPal button on our website. If you are able to make a further donation above the purchase price you can do so at- donations@crosstalkministries.ca.

Once we receive your payment you will be sent a secure link whereby the e-book may be downloaded.

Pray with Bishop Mary

You are invited to join Bishop Mary and other clergy colleagues to pray twice a week on Facebook Live. Pray along and /or submit your personal prayer requests.

Join Compline HERE

What is Compline?

The ancient office of Compline derives its name from a Latin word meaning ‘completion’ (completorium). It is above all a service of quietness and reflection before rest at the end of the day.

source: https://www.churchofengland.org/.../night-prayer-compline

New Pandemic Measures Announced

Dear friends and colleagues / Chers amis et collègues,

Veuillez trouver ma lettre à la suite de l’annonce du premier ministre. Please find my latest letter following the announcement tonight by the premier of Québec.

Every blessing as we face these challenging times. Mille bénédictions pour passer au travers de ces temps difficiles.


Download English / français

Synod Office Closed for Christmas Holidays

As the provincial government continues to ask us to provide tele-work options, synod office staff are working from home. However, we will be off for the Christmas holidays from Friday, December 24th and returning on Tuesday, January 4th.

In case of an urgent matter, please be in touch with your territorial archdeacon.

We would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very safe, happy and holy Christmas season and to thank you for being a part of our digital community in 2021.

-Lee-Ann Matthews (Digital Communications Coordinator)

Thank you to Janet Best for this lovely photo taken earlier this month at St John's, Huntington

Comme le gouvernement provincial continue de nous demander de proposer des options de télétravail, le personnel du bureau synodal travaille à domicile. Cependant, nous serons en congé pour les vacances de Noël du vendredi 24 décembre au mardi 4 janvier.

En cas d'urgence, veuillez vous mettre en contact avec votre archidiacre territorial.

Nous profitons de l'occasion pour vous souhaiter à tous un Noël très sûr, heureux et saint et pour vous remercier de faire partie de notre communauté numérique en 2021.

-Lee-Ann Matthews (Coordinatrice des communications numériques)

Merci à Janet Best pour cette belle photo prise au début du mois à St John's, Huntington.

Traduit avec www.DeepL.com/Translator (version gratuite)

Christmas Services 2021

Download our listing of Christmas services for 2021 HERE

Find a Parish near you HERE

Important: This list was published on December 22, 2021 at noon. As the situation continues to evolve, please double check with the parish before heading to an in person service. Per government regulations, vaccination passports are required for entrance to all churches. Pre-registration is required to attend most in-person services.

A Special Word of Thanks from Bishop Mary / Un mot spécial de remerciement de l'évêque Mary

J'aimerais profiter de cette occasion pour vous remercier de tout ce que vous faites pour exercer votre ministère dans le diocèse de Montréal et le soutenir.

Merci à notre clergé à travers le diocèse, aux directeurs et trésoriers, aux lecteurs laïcs, aux directeurs musicaux, aux vergers et aux administrateurs qui travaillent sans relâche alors que vous continuez à vous adapter aux restrictions continues de la pandémie avec résilience, créativité et grâce.

Merci !

  • Aux nombreux bénévoles qui s'occupent d'innombrables tâches avec tant de soin. Merci pour votre dévouement et votre attention aux détails importants.

  • À mon personnel diocésain pour son soutien et son engagement.

  • Aux membres du Conseil diocésain et à tous ceux qui ont servi si fidèlement dans les comités et les groupes de travail diocésains ;

  • À notre Doyen et à toute l'équipe de la cathédrale Christ Church.

  • A tous ceux qui ont soutenu financièrement le travail que nous faisons en tant que Diocèse.

Je tiens à exprimer personnellement ma reconnaissance à chacun d'entre vous en cette période de Noël et à vous souhaiter toutes les bénédictions pour la nouvelle année.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all that you do to minister in and support the Diocese of Montréal

Thank you to our clergy across the Diocese, to the wardens and treasurers, lay readers, music directors, vergers and administrators who work tirelessly as you continue to adapt to the ongoing pandemic restrictions with resilience, creativity and grace.

Thank you!

  • To the many volunteers who attend to countless tasks with so much care. Thank you for your dedication and attention to important details.

  • To my Diocesan staff for their support & commitment.

  • To members of Diocesan Council and all who have served so faithfully on diocesan committees and task forces;

  • To our Dean and the entire team at Christ Church Cathedral

  • To all who have financially supported the work that we do as a Diocese.

I want to personally extend my appreciation to each of you this Christmas and wish you every blessing for the new year

Advent for Kids: Register now for an in-person Advent / Christmas themed Family Activity

We are pleased to invite you to participate in an in-person Advent / Christmas themed family event on Saturday, December 18th from 10am-noon at Fulford Hall 1444 Union (Christ Church Cathedral) or from 2-4pm at St. Thomas Church, NDG 6897 Somerled Avenue

REGISTER HERE (Please register ASAP to reserve your spot. )

Singing, Praying and Playing for the whole Family!

Covid Protocols will be in place to ensure the safety of participants.

Participation is limited.

Questions? We are here to help! mtlyouth@montreal.anglican.ca

Supper Club Christmas Party: An Invitation

Supper Club Christmas Party

December isn’t always an easy month for many of us…

Darker and colder and sometimes lonelier.

Let’s get together, eat pizza and sing our favourite Christmas hymns with a special guest musician!

Consider yourselves invited to a very special Zoom Supper Club Christmas party for everyone!

RSVP by December 8th