We are Doing Some New Things in the Diocese of Montreal ....

Find out about the new things we are doing in the Diocese of Montreal …

Pray with the Bishop

In the churches of our Diocese, there are so many faithful parishioners and clergy who served and supported us through thick and thin. We are very grateful to God for you all and wanted to find a way to share in God's blessing together. That is why we are hosting the Pray with Bishop Mary series starting this Spring. Our hope is to come to you, where you are, for times of community, fellowship, reflection and prayer. Our Bishop Mary wants to pray with you and for you - its our way of saying thank you, bless you for all you do. So look out for dates to come when Bishop Mary will be coming to your area - or invite us if you would like us to come to your Church.

Let's share in blessing together.

Dans les églises de notre diocèse, il y a tant de fidèles paroissiens et membres du clergé qui nous ont servis et soutenus contre vents et marées. Nous sommes très reconnaissants à Dieu pour vous tous et nous voulions trouver un moyen de partager ensemble la bénédiction de Dieu. C'est pourquoi nous avons créé l'événement "Prière avec l'évêque Mary" à partir de ce printemps. Nous espérons venir à vous, là où vous êtes, pour des moments de communauté, de camaraderie, de réflexion et de prière. Notre évêque Mary veut prier avec vous et pour vous - c'est notre façon de vous remercier et de vous bénir pour tout ce que vous faites. Surveillez donc les dates de la venue de l'évêque Mary dans votre région - ou invitez-nous si vous souhaitez que nous venions dans votre église. Partageons ensemble la bénédiction.

Bible Story Walk

Launching in Spring 2023, we have designed a pilot project called a Bible Story Walk.  It is a revolving installation with eight weather proof panels mounted on small podiums to be installed in the ground. The panels depict the Creation story with original multimedia illustrations in collaboration with the Godly Play method. This is an opportunity to inspire passersby and invite families into questions of meaning and wonder. In addition, we will include details about the Anglican church and in particular how our neighbors might be able to have follow up faith formation conversations with us. 

  • Are you interested in being a part of the rotation of the new Bible Story Walk?

  • Do you have a location where you think this project could benefit your neighbors?

  • Are you willing to host a small launch event to promote the project?

  • Let’s talk! We look forward to hearing from you! 

Marche pour l'histoire de la Bible

Lancé au printemps 2023, nous avons conçu un projet pilote appelé "Marche pour l'histoire de la Bible". Il s'agit d'une installation tournante composée de huit panneaux résistants aux intempéries et montés sur de petits podiums à installer dans le sol. Les panneaux décrivent l'histoire de la Création avec des illustrations multimédias originales en collaboration avec la méthode Godly Play. C'est l'occasion d'inspirer les passants et d'inviter les familles à se poser des questions sur le sens et l'émerveillement. En outre, nous inclurons des détails sur l'église anglicane et en particulier sur la façon dont nos voisins pourraient avoir des conversations de suivi de la formation à la foi avec nous.

Souhaitez-vous participer à la rotation de la nouvelle Marche des histoires bibliques ?

Avez-vous un endroit où vous pensez que ce projet pourrait bénéficier à vos voisins ?

Êtes-vous prêt à organiser un petit événement de lancement pour promouvoir le projet ?

Parlons-en ! Nous nous réjouissons d'avoir de vos nouvelles !

Holy Week (Easter) in the Diocese of Montreal / Find a Parish

As we are approaching Palm Sunday, we would like to take this opportunity to wish you Blessed Holy Week. There are numerous special services throughout the week at many of our parishes. If you are interested in observing Holy Week please consult our directory linked here and use the contact info to learn more

À l'approche du dimanche des Rameaux, nous profitons de l'occasion pour vous souhaiter une bonne semaine sainte. De nombreux services spéciaux sont organisés tout au long de la semaine sainte dans plusieurs de nos paroisses. Si vous souhaitez observer la semaine sainte, veuillez consulter notre annuaire en cliquant ici et utiliser les coordonnées pour en savoir plus.

Montreal Mission Internship

Montreal Dio in partnership with the Montreal School of Theology (MST) is pleased to announce the launch of the Montreal Mission Internship (MMI) for the summer of 2023, running May 29th to July 28th. MMI is a service-learning program for 18-25-year-olds who feel called to explore the work of Christian ministry outside the walls of the church

Learn More

Download MMI Flyer HERE

Learn about why Cross Talk Day Camp could be a good fit for your Church this Summer

Is your community looking for a summer outreach ministry that goes beyond the average boxed VBS?

Well Crosstalk Ministries Day Camps is ready to meet your needs! Our Program is great for communities who are looking for a low cost, pre-planned and all-inclusive package that provides churches and communities with an affordable outreach opportunity for families from all income levels. Day Camps are also a great way to generate more community involvement and are adaptable to a wide variety of contexts.

For summer 2023 we are offering “Something to Celebrate!” exploring Parables from the Gospel of Luke. Each day our program unpacks one of these parables through songs and games, small groups, crafts and liturgical dance all geared to campers of 4-12 years. CTM offers two different models to meet your needs:-

The Backyard Package- 250$ is designed for purchase by a church to then be shared via a secure link with families who register to participate. This program includes five 2 ½ hour-long sessions and can be presented at times and days suited to each family from the security of their own homes and backyards.

The Super Day Camp - 550$ (with a 100$ discount should you not require a mentor) comprises five units each of which includes 5 hours of activities. Purchase of this package provides you with a detailed Planner taking you through the process of recruiting volunteers, collecting supplies and encouraging the whole church family to be involved, plus access to a “mentor” who will be matched with you and join your set-up and daily debrief meetings via an online platform as well as offering support via text message throughout your Day Camp week,

In Addition we also offer-

The Extended Day Package - 50$ that may be purchased by communities wishing to offer additional activities, stretching the Super Day Camp program to a full 8-hour day in order to better accommodates some families.

Both packages include digital copies of all necessary promotional and program materials with the Super Day Camp package also including a comprehensive training video for volunteers plus optional mentor support.

Whatever your community’s situation, one of these programs can help ensure that the children of your church family, and wider community have “Something to Celebrate!” for summer 2023.

Visit the CTM website - to access the fillable Day Camp Application form or contact the Office- office@crosstalkministries.ca to receive a pdf version

A Tribute to Marcel De Hêtre by Nicki Hronjak (excerpt from Anglican Montreal March 2023)

The Synod Office Staff Remembers Marcel (see this article and others in the March issue of the Anglican Montreal (linked here)

By Nicki Hronjak, Editor

Along with countless others, we were saddened to hear the news of Marcel De Hêtre’s passing on November 11, 2022 at the age of 57. Most might remember Marcel De Hêtre as a friend, partner or gifted tenor. For us at the Diocesan Office he was a beloved and talented co-worker.

From 2001 until 2013, Marcel worked as the Bishop’s Secretary, Webmaster and Front Desk Manager. According to his longtime partner, Laura Prince, “He loved his job at the Diocese. It was a perfect match for him.... His quirky sense of humour worked with most of the priests in the Diocese and the job allowed him to combine music and liturgy, which is what he knew and what he grew up with and what he loved.”

Both bishops he served under allowed Marcel the flexibility to continue singing in professional choirs, which of course was his passion.

While he didn’t sing much in the office, there was one song he performed with some regularity, called Macaroni Delight. The song was co-written by Marcel and myself and sung to the tune of Afternoon Delight by the Starland Vocal Band. It was reserved for those days when someone in the office had macaroni for lunch. Although this was years ago, I still think of him when I take a package of macaroni out of my pantry.

I asked my coworkers to share their own memories:

“As a priest in the diocese, I remember Marcel’s dry and quirky humour, his kindness and speed in helping me navigate some word processing when I couldn’t open it on my own computer, and the beautiful translations into French of some of the hymns we sang at Diocesan services. Marcel always knew the answer to our questions. I will always remember the beautiful and meaningful funeral service Marcel planned and the extraordinary witness of his faith in the music he chose. May he rest in peace. “ Bishop Mary

“Marcel had a great sense of humor and often helped coordinate innocent office pranks. I remember one instance when a colleague was away, we took whole lot of file boxes and built a wall around their desk! He was also a marvel when it came to creating documents & interactive forms and was patient in helping me figure things out.”

Ardyth Robinson

“My memories of Marcel go back to when I was a student at McGill, having moved to Montreal and made Christ Church Cathedral my home parish. Marcel was a member of the choir and at parish events, he was always friendly and poking gentle fun to make you feel like part of the “gang.” As I joined the Synod Office team in the Programme Office, Marcel joined the Bishop’s Office and continued that collegial sense of humour that broke the ice of formality and made you feel like part of the family. I will always remember Marcel for his sense of humour and compassion.”

– The Ven Robert Camara, Executive Archdeacon & Vicar General

“He knew everything about things like how to address the clergy, which can be intimidating to a non-Anglican coming into the job. He always took the time to answer my many questions.”

Jennifer James-Phillips

“As his successor, I had big shoes to fill. Marcel was the ultimate perfectionist, and I was very much in awe of his depth of knowledge. He had an amazing sense of humor too. I will miss his

voice and his sharp wit.”

Mary Abate

“Marcel and I shared a love of sports, especially the Montreal Canadiens. We often reminisced about the glory days of the Habs during the 1970’s and 1980’s and lamented their playoff failures of the past two decades. We looked forward to a Stanley Cup parade and joked that when that day came, we would be standing in front of Christ Church Cathedral wearing our jerseys and cheering on our beloved team. The Habs will be winning the Stanley Cup in near future. I will be at the parade and I will be thinking of my friend, Marcel, who will be looking down from Heaven, yelling “Go Habs Go!”.

Stephen Tam

There is a through line in these memories; he was a man of talent, competence, helpfulness, and humour. I’ll bet he has those angels cracking up right now. Rest in peace dear Marcel.