E-News September 24th 2024
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Click here for this week’s E-News!
Join us on our first day long Montreal pilgrimage! Jenna Smith will be leading us along the Lachine canal with various stops along the way. Jenna is a seasoned pilgrim and has recently returned from her third Camino. This is a rain or shine event and is a not to be missed adventure!
email / RSVP lmatthews@montreal.anglican.ca
Schedule and meet up location to be announced.
“After this I looked, and there was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb….”
Revelation 7:9 NRSV
For the past four years, our Diocese has been focussed on addressing and combatting racism through workshops and Synod speakers.
Nobody wants to be called racist! And yet, we know that we sometimes harbour attitudes towards others that are not holy. The speakers we have heard have challenged us to look into our hearts, and face the ways in which we may in fact not be as open or diverse or inclusive as the Kingdom of God calls us to be.
Will we ever be able to say that we are done? Bishop Shannon MacVean Brown commented at Synod that she didn’t know of a place in the world where racism is not an issue, because people are people.
“How many things that I hold dear are actually interwoven in this systemic racism?”
Our historic, colonial, attitudes and assumptions may not actually stand up to the light of Christ, and to our Baptismal promises. We do know that we cannot exclude others because they are different from us or speak another language. The experience of Pentecost showed that the disciples were sent by the Holy Spirit to invite people from everywhere to live in the Kingdom of God.
I want to encourage you to ask God to grow your heart into the shape that God wants it to be; to heal your heart of your racist attitudes and of the wounds that you have received; to offer to God your own efforts to be all that you are called to be for Christ.
“We are surrounded by a great cloud of truth tellers who have shown us what it means to trust the Great Spirit. So let us lay to the side everything that weighs us down and the broken ways that so easily wrap around our legs to trip us. And let us run as if we are in a long-distance race, setting a steady pace and heading toward the goal. This means we must keep our eyes on Creator Sets Free (Jesus), the trailblazer of our spiritual ways.”
To the People of the Tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Hebrews)
12:1-2, First Nations Version
Ever wondered why you should bring your kids to Church?
le françsis suivra
Learning Biblical stories and Christian tradition in childhood provides a foundation for a life of self inquiry and spiritual inquiry
Spirituality is an important part of a child's development and is largely overlooked, underfunded and lacking in the education system
Children can build unique friendships, grow in faith, and learn important values like kindness, respect, and compassion
They will develop a sense of intergenerational community and belonging
Church participation helps children foster resilience, practice gratitude, find meaning and gain a deeper understanding of life's bigger questions
Many families find that kids who attend church become more empathetic, confident, and grounded in their beliefs as they grow
Find a family friendly church and give your child a positive space to flourish spiritually!
Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé pourquoi vous devriez amener vos enfants à l'église ?
L'apprentissage des histoires bibliques et de la tradition chrétienne pendant l'enfance jette les bases d'une vie de recherche personnelle et spirituelle La spiritualité est une partie importante du développement de l'enfant et est largement négligée, sous-financée et absente du système éducatif Les enfants peuvent construire des amitiés uniques, grandir dans la foi et apprendre des valeurs importantes telles que la gentillesse, le respect et la compassion Ils développeront un sentiment de communauté intergénérationnelle et d'appartenance Ils développeront un sentiment de communauté intergénérationnelle et d'appartenance La participation à l'église aide les enfants à favoriser la résilience, à pratiquer la gratitude, à trouver un sens et à acquérir une compréhension plus profonde des grandes questions de la vieDe nombreuses familles constatent que les enfants qui vont à l'église deviennent plus empathiques, confiants et ancrés dans leurs croyances au fur et à mesure qu'ils grandissentTrouvez une église accueillante pour les familles et offrez à votre enfant un espace positif pour s'épanouir spirituellement !
We are pleased to announce the launch of a new campaign that welcomes and encourages families to participate in Church.
All Children are Welcome / Tous le enfants sont les bienvenus
Here is what to Expect:
A newly renovated and upgraded Children / Youth web page dedicated to children and youth ministry. Click here to access the new page (find a curated list of resources, lesson plans, family friendly church listings and more!)
A new Parents web page dedicated to supporting families and improving their worship experience with children. Click here to access the new page
Posters that celebrate families for parishes to download and print for church bulletin boards and walls and postcards for pews to welcome families. Includes a QR code for parents with tips and ideas for supporting families in church. Download the postcard / postcard PDF and poster / poster PDF
Blessing Bags: a pilot project where 200 bags will be distributed across 20 churches in the Diocese this fall.
Contact Lee-Ann to learn more or find out how you might be a family friendly church and take part in the project!
Nous avons consulté les responsables de tout le diocèse et nous nous sommes engagés à faire de nos églises des espaces plus accueillants pour les enfants et les familles.
Nous avons le plaisir d'annoncer le lancement d'une nouvelle campagne visant à inclure et à accueillir les familles à tous les âges et à toutes les étapes.
Tous les enfants sont les bienvenus / All Children are Welcome
Voici ce à quoi vous pouvez vous attendre :
Une page web nouvellement rénovée et améliorée consacrée au ministère de l'enfance et de la jeunesse
Une page web dédiée au soutien des parents et à leur expérience du culte avec les enfants
Des affiches à télécharger et à imprimer pour les tableaux d'affichage et les murs de l'église et des cartes postales pour les bancs afin d'accueillir les familles. Inclut un code QR pour les parents avec des conseils et des idées pour soutenir les familles à l'église.
Sacs de bénédiction : un projet pilote dans le cadre duquel 200 sacs seront distribués dans 20 églises du diocèse.
Contactez Lee-Ann pour en savoir plus ou pour découvrir comment vous pourriez être une église favorable à la famille et participer au projet !
1444 Union Avenue
Montreal, Quebec H3A 2B8
Tel: (514) 843-6577 // 1 (800) 355-3788
Fax: (514) 843 6344
The Synod Office is located on the traditional and unceded territory of the Kanien’keha:ka (Mohawk), at a place called Tio’tia:ke (Montreal), a meeting place for many First Nations, including the Haudenosaunee (Six Nation Confederacy), Anishinabeg and Algonquin peoples.
We recognize and respect the Kanien’keha:ka as the traditional stewards of the land and waters of Tio’tia:ke.
Our acknowledgement stands as a promise to continue the ongoing work of recognition and reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples.
©2025 Synod of the Diocese of Montreal & Lord Bishop of Montreal